On The Way - Episode 21 - Luke 1:1-4

Episode 21 September 08, 2022 00:13:29
On The Way - Episode 21 - Luke 1:1-4
On The Way with Mike Wilson
On The Way - Episode 21 - Luke 1:1-4

Sep 08 2022 | 00:13:29


Hosted By

Mike Wilson

Show Notes

Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode:
  1. Luke was a physician. How do you think that impacted his writing?
  2. Luke wrote more of the New Testament than anyone else. How important is Luke's credibility? Why should we believe him?
  3. Luke was killed because he refused to deny that Jesus is Lord. What truth are you so convinced of that you would die for it?
  4. The Bible was written over a period of 2,000 years by 40 authors. Is it easier for you to trust the Bible because individual authors like Luke are trustworthy or because the many authors agreed with each other?
  5. When you get the chance to talk to Luke in Heaven, what will you ask him?

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