On The Way - Episode 20 - Hebrews 12 & 13

Episode 20 April 27, 2022 00:11:46
On The Way - Episode 20 - Hebrews 12 & 13
On The Way with Mike Wilson
On The Way - Episode 20 - Hebrews 12 & 13

Apr 27 2022 | 00:11:46


Hosted By

Mike Wilson

Show Notes

Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode:
  1. Hebrews 12:1 tells us that sin will slow us down in "the race God has set before us." On a practical level, how does sin remove our perseverance?
  2. Jesus was able to endure the cross by keeping His eyes on eternity. What are some ways that we can daily focus on Heaven?
  3. Read Genesis 25:29-34. Why does the author of Hebrews describe Esau's behavior as sinful?
  4. Hebrews 13:15 says, "Let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name." How would you describe "a continual sacrifice of praise to God?"
  5. What is one thing you have learned about the book of Hebrews that you plan to remember forever?

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